Here’s another thoughtful piece by John Gruber, this time on computer security exploits and the conventional wisdom surrounding them.
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Monthly Archives: June 2004
NetInfo is weird
The concepts aren’t so bad. The implementation seems adequate. The creation and maintenance of a NetInfo domain is, well, truly bizarre.
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Snack time
Two one pound jars and a bag of tortilla chips later, I can safely say…
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hellomoto – the Motorola V600
“hello, moto.”
It took me a while to realize what the proper parsing of the phrase was. I thought it was something a little less suitable for an audience that includes children… and let me tell you, my experiences with it left me wondering if that wasn’t the correct interpretation.
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New use for an old Mac
My Power Mac 8500/180 has been pressed into service.
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Mercedes’ Dance Recital
Marcia’s School of Dance presented “Stars At Sea” earlier this evening. This year marks Mercedes’ fourth year in dance class and second recital.
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iBlog 1.3.8 – Critical update
If you are keeping up with iBlog and installed 1.3.7 last week, you need to install this update.
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Daring Fireball: An Ounce of Prevention
John Gruber writes that Apple has closed all of the known URI-related vulnerabilities with its latest Mac OS X update, Security Update 2004-06-07.
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Yet Another iPod Killer
Two and a half years after Apple introduced the wildly successful iPod, Creative Labs has announced yet another attempt to catch the iPod: the Zen Touch digital music player.
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Microsoft’s Sacred Cash Cow
Jeff Reifman writes on Microsoft, innovation, and Windows.
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