If you know me, know know I have been a long-time advocate of getting an Apple Macintosh. I don’t claim that it’s a perfect platform, but with Mac OS X, any serious reservations I’ve had in the past have vanished.
My philosophy on this point is simple; I found myself tweaking the computer more than I was using it. Fixing problems, installing software to make the experience a little more efficient, updating the configuration to fit the way I work (but really, mostly fixing problems). When I got my first Mac I had an epiphany: I was using the computer much, much more than I was tweaking it, even though the Mac was “woefully underpowered” as compared to the Windows machines I used.
This was nothing short of revolutionary. My new creedo? “I don’t do Windows.” At least, not at home, anyway. That was in 1993.
John Gruber’s latest over at Daring Fireball doesn’t really change my mind because I gave up on Windows so long ago. However, there’s a suggestion, for me at least, that I may be on the leading edge of a growing trend.
Folks, this Kool-Aid isn’t spiked with anything. And yes, it is delicious… quite delicious.
PS: If you thought an iPod worked well with Windows, find some way to get yourself to your nearest Apple Store and see it work on a Mac. It’s a beautiful thing.