I would say I am morphing into some X-Files -esque nocturnal creature.
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Author Archives: scottr
Time Flies Like An Arrow
“… fruit flies like a banana.” – Groucho Marx
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Getting back to “normal”
Normal as an abstract concept… well, I thought it was an abstract concept. What is “normal” anyway? Why do I care? Is it normal to be normal?
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Have I mentioned that I hate mopping the floor at 2 a.m.?
I really, really like GarageBand.
It’s just so cool that you can throw a few loops together, lay down some tracks with a MIDI keyboard, and come up with a song in an hour or two.
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iBlog crash-after-update problem resolved
Amazing but true…
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Newman’s Own Pineapple Salsa Rocks
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Ugh… been a while.
Catching up on things. Current random thoughts. Maybe I will be less depressing someday, but that would mean I would have to stop taking myself so seriously. Har.
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Finally, a bit of rest
I’m not into abstracts. I prefer concrete things. Usually. Except when the abstract referred to is, say, a nice elegant little algorithm.
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Mildly depressing thoughts on my life
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