The BBC has a disturbing report on the situation in Baghdad.
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Monthly Archives: August 2004
The feel-good hit of the summer
Say, did anyone else notice that the signs in the convention crowd were misspelled?
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Only three days later
This fourth installment by the Swifties is not as dramatic, and somewhat less compelling. Still, it exposes another chink in Kerry’s armor. (via The American Mind, via Prestopundit)
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It could have been worse
IraqiPundit has thoughts on Muqtada Al-Sadr.
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Michael Moore gets some competition
Warning: the following is deeply offensive to anyone with half a brain. If present, children may have more questions than you’d like to answer.
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Campaign Finance Reform and 527s
You may not realize what a scourge campaign finance reform is. I’ve taken a crash course in the last week, and I can only come to one conclusion: there are loopholes in McCain-Feingold big enough to drive the QE II through. It doesn’t do what it was intended to do. In fact, it ultimately appears to serve only to keep (a) incumbents in office and (b) the “little guy” out of politics. The only way to close these loopholes is yet more regulation, and that should be a box that only Pandora would want to open.
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More on tax cuts
Despite Kerry’s claim to the contrary, the Bush tax cuts do not in fact result in a transference of the tax burden away from the wealthy.
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Standoff over, but the crisis continues
SMACKDOWN: Star Tribune editor gets mauled
Hugh Hewitt is unkind, but hardly unfair, to Minneapolis Star Tribune deputy editor Jim Boyd. (Via Instapundit)
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On the subject of 527 groups
A few days ago I wrote: “In any event, I agree that this was a bold move on Bush’s part.”
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