One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong…
For as long as I can remember, I have heard my conservative friends complain about liberal media bias. Well, until the likes of FOX News Channel showed up, at least. In spite of this, however, my liberal-leaning friends were always quick to point out the latest (usually liberal-funded) study that showed how this couldn’t be true. And when FNC came on the scene, they thanked their lucky stars that CNN and NPR still had the “courage” to report the “real story.” (More recently, these same folks have been decrying CNN’s slide towards the right, but that’s an entry for another time.)
Now this, via Glenn Reynolds at A lecturer at a DNC seminar for new Democratic campaign press secretaries warned them about “media that are no longer tilted in your direction.” Wait a second… isn’t this tantamount to admitting there was in fact a liberal media bias?
Nah, couldn’t be. Like griffins and Cyclops, “liberal media bias” is – and always has been – clearly a myth.