Last night, 60 Minutes aired a report in which documents claiming to show that George W. Bush received special treatment while in the Texas National Guard.
I don’t know whether the documents are factual or forgeries, but it doesn’t look good for CBS (and particularly bad for Dan Rather). You can find more at Blogs for Bush (more), Instapundit (more), JustOneMinute, PoliPundit (more, and more, and yet more), TQP (more), and Hugh Hewitt.
The American Mind has related thoughts, too.
UPDATE: Bernard Goldberg writes:
Dan Rather’s defense of himself tonight, while probably impressive to shallow observers was far from convincing. Here’s a list of things he ignored, did not properly address, or concealed from viewers. Feel free to send us your suggestions to this live fisking. For the transcript, click here.
Take a peek at the list. Mr. Goldberg calls it The Swiss Cheese Defense, but I think that’s rather generous. Swiss cheese has a lot more substance than both the original 60 Minutes report and tonight’s defense of same. (Via Instapundit)