Nobody seems to dispute that Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi’s visit to the U.S. was arranged for political purposes. What the big media pundits don’t seem to realize is that it was more than that; the Iraqi people are listening, too.
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Category Archives: Journalismation
Rathergate, part 53: The end of Rathergate?
Well, King Dan apologized for using the documents. But the story… the story is still true!!! We swear!
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Man overboard
Rathergate part III
It’s not getting any better for Dan Rather and CBS. In fact, it’s looking a lot worse, and even a little bit more weird.
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I told you so
Didn’t I tell you?
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Rathergate part II
Dan Rather and CBS are still sticking by their guns. I almost feel sorry for them… well, no, I lie. I don’t feel sorry at all.
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Deja vu all over again
As if the possibility of forged documents used by a CBS hit piece aren’t enough, Sen. Tom Harking is back.
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CBS documents may be forgeries
Last night, 60 Minutes aired a report in which documents claiming to show that George W. Bush received special treatment while in the Texas National Guard.
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Creative editing is your friend
Julian Sanchez reluctantly reports on the real story behind Dick Cheney’s “scare tactics.”
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When it rains, it pours
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
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