There are plenty of others liveblogging the debate. I haven’t read them all, but I have been watching a few. Blogs for Bush, Instapundit, PoliPundit, and Hugh Hewitt all have plenty of commentary and/or links (and Hugh’s got a running debate scorecard).
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Category Archives: Salmagundi
Did someone say “quagmire”?
I can’t believe it. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised, but still… when NBC’s Law and Order has a character describe the situation in Iraq as a “quagmire,” you have to wonder where they’re getting their information.
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Unless you’ve just arrived from a distant planet and you’re reading this weblog before anything else, you’re aware that it’s been three years since the darkest day in modern history for the United States.
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Beslan massacre redux
Via Qur’an Project, a heartbreaking companion to my previous posts that referred to the tragic massacre in Russia last week.
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Mighty Miller
Michael Novak’s latest column for the National Review takes a look at Zell Miller’s speech at last week’s RNC.
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HTML errors fixed
I threw my blog at HTML Validator and it pointed out that I’m an idiot. (So what’s new.)
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Chechnya massacre
I don’t have much to say about the tragedy in Chechnya, other than that my heart goes out to the families whose loved ones were hurt or killed there. The world mourns with them.
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Cue the laugh track
A chuckle for today via Shawn Sarazin.
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Those wacky Canadians
Grant McSorley has thoughts on anti-Americanism in his country. (Via Virginia Postrel)
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The feel-good hit of the summer
Say, did anyone else notice that the signs in the convention crowd were misspelled?
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