Captain Ed takes a look at old media, the Swift vets, and how and why Sen. Kerry’s Vietnam service has turned into a lightning rod for scrutiny from the right.
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Invalid comparisons
The left – apparently in a near-hysterical panic – has taken it upon themselves to revive President Bush’s DUI arrest and an alleged cocaine possession charge. (Via Sean Hackbarth)
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Too soon, too soon!
The Sunday morning radio news brought word of the possibility that Osama bin Laden’s capture may be imminent.
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Note to Mike: Pacifists Suck
How do you negotiate with people who are willing to enter into a pact with no intention of holding to it?
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When it rains, it pours
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
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HTML errors fixed
I threw my blog at HTML Validator and it pointed out that I’m an idiot. (So what’s new.)
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Say WHAT?! (a different one)
Power Line has details and analysis, continuing where Wizbang left off.
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Skeletons in the closet
Someone didn’t have their thinking cap on.
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Chechnya massacre
I don’t have much to say about the tragedy in Chechnya, other than that my heart goes out to the families whose loved ones were hurt or killed there. The world mourns with them.
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Say WHAT?!
Power Line shines a spotlight on obviously malicious reporting by the Associated Press. (Via TAM)
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