Make sure you read the whole thing. Otherwise, I’m not justified in putting this into this category. I don’t always have to be wildly on-topic, do I?
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Bring the Congressional Children Home
Tim Blair reports on yet another inaccuracy in Fahrenheit 9/11.
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“The most devastating political ad I have ever seen,” writes Lori Byrd.
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Liberal media bias, griffins, and a one-eyed giant
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong…
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Mission Accomplished
So, where is all of that international help in rebuilding Iraq, anyway?
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It’s all the media’s fault
John Kerry’s address to the DNC was great, wasn’t it? No? Well, maybe…
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How To End The War In Iraq in Ten Easy Steps
John Kerry has a plan… a Secret Plan.
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Kuwait bans anti-Bush documentary
From the BBC: “Kuwait has banned Michael Moore’s controversial documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, calling the film insulting to the Saudi Arabian royal family.”
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Letters from the front
How do the Iraqis feel about the U.S. presence in Iraq? Probably not how you’ve seen from the mainstream media.
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Iraqis are very angry
Omar has translated comments in a forum hosted by BBC Arabic, and added some analysis of his own.
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