Glenn Reynolds (no relation) has collected some details about yesterday’s botched photo op with a group of Marines.
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It’s a “truth problem”
Peter Ross Range reviews Michael Moore’s Dude, Where’s My Country? for
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Michael Moore in the No Spin Zone
Bill O’Reilly and Michael Moore squared off on The O’Reilly Factor this past Tuesday.
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Wait, did you say “send my child to war”?
As if you weren’t already bewildered by Michael Moore’s distortions…
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The importance of staying the course
Mohammed over at IRAQ THE MODEL is disgusted and angry about Wednesday’s bombing… but not necessarily at whom you might assume.
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What, exactly, does “Fahrenheit 9/11” mean, anyway?
Been busy this week, but this bears mentioning: Michael Moore’s latest “documentary” may have some serious credibility problems.
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Socialized medicine isn’t the answer
Comparing and contrasting the health care systems of Canada and the United States.
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The First Amendment according to Michael Moore
Apparently Moore confuses government interference with the right to excercise control over one’s own property.
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Sloppy journalists, meet Joe Q. Publisher
John Leo writes for US News on what could be a credibility crisis for the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times.
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